IBM WebSphere Business Integration Connect Advanced Edition v4.2.2 英文光碟正式版(B2B綜合化)
IBM WebSphere Business Integration Connect Advanced Edition v4.2.2 英文光碟正式版(B2B綜合化)
WebSphere Business Integration Connect 第四版根據貿易夥伴群而進行運作式 B2B,
此外,IBM WebSphere Business Integration Connect:
-支援各種產業標準通訊協定,包括 RosettaNet、AS2 以及 XML
-透過 HTTP(S)、FTP 和 SMTP 來支援貿易夥伴的互動
-支援多重安全標準,包括從 Verisign and Thawte、SSL支援等的第三方認證授權
-將「非拒絕」(non-repudiation) 視為完全遵循 AS2 的條件之一
-彈性的解決方案管理包括 Tivoli 整合的支援
In breaking news, the BSA's new mascot, a ferret/weasel hybrid
captured on the American Plains, has switched sides and pledged
allegiance to the BSA's sworn enemy - the warez scene.
Enslaved for months in forced captivity, the little critter toiled
under the harsh rule of Business Software Alliance President and
CEO Robert Holleyman, and Diane Smiroldo, Vice President of Public
"They forced me to spread disinformation" the furry escapee stated,
adding that "worse still, they made me lie to children!" The ferret
has now entered a protection program for endangered wildlife, but
not before posing for the accompanying photo (see file
The BSA had big plans for its mascot of choice, and at press time
it was unclear as to whether those plans would move forward. Talks
were underway as to a potential replacement. A horned goat was
rejected as "being too reflective upon the true nature of the
Business Software Alliance," while Porky Pig reportedly rejected
the role, saying he wouldn't be caught "in a blanket, or anywhere
else, with THAT crowd of corporate thieves and strong-arms."
In a related story, parents around the world are encouraged to
teach their children to think for themselves, rather than have
their moral and ethical beliefs forcefully installed by a shady
organization with ulterior motives. Elementary school students -
who are being force fed a curriculum bought and paid for by the
BSA - are urged to learn about the importance of fair use
and the perils of copy prevention in regards to software, music,
games, and movies.
Recent research underscores the need to continue to educate our
young people about the importance of fair use, respect for
consumer rights, and the dangers of corporate legislation (and
senator) buying consortiums like the BSA.
We now return you to the regularly scheduled release already in
WebSphere Business Integration Connect V4.2 provides a flexible, scalable and open-standards-based solution for real-time integration of B2B data and visibility into multi-tier, community- wide processes.